A case is won or lost on the strength of the information you have. If that information is incorrect, the likelihood of a successful outcome is decreased. An attorney uses testimony to build their case and increase their verdicts. If the testimony has flaws and there was something wrong with the record, the grounds for their expectation of a great verdict falls through the floor. Their footing has become unstable.
At Hines Reporters - our Reporter's create accurate transcripts for winning your case!
Reporters are able to attend either in-person or remote including hybrid with a mix of some attendees in-person, others not.
With real-time reporting, a display of the testimony may be observed on an iPad or laptop right before your eyes. Highlighting and tabbing areas of importance as you see fit.
We are able to provide interpreters of all languages and dialects and have been successfully interpreting legal proceedings for over 30 years.
When language is a communication barrier, employing the right interpreter will ensure you get a verbatim translation of the witness’s testimony. Through the use of our skilled interpreters, your questions are conveyed to the witness with absolute clarity.
In California, certain languages have received Certification by the State.
The following is a list of the California State Certified Languages as of 4/30/2013:
Armenian (Eastern & Western), Chinese (Mandarin & Cantonese), Japanese, Khmer (Cambodian), Korean, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese.
Some languages may have what is known as Qualified Status through the courts, while others simply may have no Court recognition at all. This is promulgated by the State in which you are seeking to have the interpreter work.
Through the use of videography, you capture expressions, inflection and reactions that you don’t get simply on paper.
Seeing is believing. Show the jury the what you saw and heard when the witness testified in deposition. You can embed in their minds what sold you on making your case. Keep it real. Keep it simple. It’s right before their eyes when you use videography.
Videography has various effects on the witness but carries great weight in settling your case. Capture moments of truth on DVD that we provide to you with standard delivery being 10 business days. If you need your DVD early, simply let us know and we can accommodate your wish.
Video Synchronization is also available. Simply let us know you would like all your videotaped jobs synched or only selected ones.
All our videotaped DVD’s have time coding and date stamping on the DVD. Transcripts in which a videographer was...